Check out the October 2020 issue of the Frederick Area F.Y.I. newsletter serving Frederick, Barnard, Westport, and Elm Lake in northern Brown County, S.D.
In this issue you’ll find:
- Rain but good spirits for Homecoming
- Calendar of Events
- Homecoming photos
- Titans shirt orders due on Oct. 11
- Superintendent’s Corner: Frederick Area’s enrollment numbers tick up slightly this year
- September Students of the Month
- School board minutes
- Town of Frederick board minutes
- Runners get Mile Club honors
- Junior high football: Future gridiron squad finding success
- Volleyball: Titans look to develop a consistent winning strategy
- Football: Titans look for traction on the gridiron
- Cross country: Team is finding its stride
Click to read the October issue of F.Y.I. or click on the image below.
My father, Merlon Kotila, recevied Frederick Area F.Y.I. He passed in April 2019. I would love receiving his copy which the post office here is already forwarding it to me. My address is 850 51st Ave. S. W. Hazen, ND 58545.