SISU Award

What does SISU mean.A part of the annual  Frederick Finn Fest celebration, we celebrate and honor individuals in the community deserving of being celebrated for their contribution of determination, perseverance, spunk, etc… for the benefit of the community.  While it is a Finnish word, SISU is actually becoming more recognized internationally as a symbolic word to people who do great things. Frederick Forward would LOVE it if you would take a few minutes and nominate individuals or couples you see as deserving of recognition for making a difference in our community. If you’re in a club, organization, or even a group of friends, add this discussion to your agenda and submit your nominations of people who: • Possess the spirit of community building • Giving of their time, talent and/or treasure to make our community better • Make a Difference & Impact in the Community • Embody the spirit of SISU • Need not be Finnish • Due No Later than May 15 each year


    Your Name

    Your Email

    Who would you like to nominate? (required)

    Please tell us why this nominee(s) deserve the SISU Award. This information will be used in the Official Finn Fest program and during the award presentation introduing this year's winner(s) on Friday evening opening ceremonies of Finn Fest: Midsummer on the Maple. (required)
