The mission of the Frederick Area Historical Society (FAHS) is to celebrate our heritage and preserve it for future generations.
This organization was established April 19, 2006. Annual meetings with election of officers will be held in April of each year. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Bequests and gifts to FAHS are tax-deductible.
Since our first membership drive in 2008, much has been accomplished. Excavation, footings and a foundation for the Senn School (located just behind the sod house) have been completed. With the snow accumulation that we have had this winter the actual move of the school building will not be made until spring. The Allison Township School, which has also been gifted to us, will be a future project.
The exciting news is our purchase of the Fylpaa building, built approximately 1899 (originally Fylpaa Mercantile Co.). Located at 414 Main St., Frederick (adjacent to our side house and schoolhouse site), it is one of the oldest and most historic buildings remaining in our town. The building has also been known to many as the Masonic Temple and later Society Hall because of the movies,dances, and school events held there. It has housed many fraternal organizations as well as the Brown County News, an antique shop, lodging for hunters and several bars, the most recent known as “Hog Wild Saloon.” We are proceeding with an application to place the building on the National Register of Historic Places, a prerequisite for a Deadwood grant. This grant would help us restore the exterior of the building to its original appearance. The interior of the building’s first floor is in usable condition and will accommodate FAHS office space, historic displays, a workshop and souvenir shop. Other suggestions for later use of the second floor have been an art gallery, craft co-op or dance studio. This purchase combines all of the FAHS properties into one museum site and will give us an immediate presence in the community.
Members of FAHS are invaluable in the decision-making, planning and implementation of our project. Annual membership dues are $10 per person, due in the first quarter of the year, before the annual meeting in April. You do not have to be a member to help our organization. Gifts of time, labor, artifacts or money are also needed and appreciated.
An acquisitions committee has been formed to review and accept donations of artifacts, photographs, documents and memorabilia to be displayed in the museum. We are immediately seeking any items pertinent to the Fylpaa Mercantile, Fylpaa family or any past uses of the building.
To join you may complete the membership form by downloading it here. Send your completed forms, correspondence or donations to:
412 Main St. PO Box 523
Frederick, SD 57441-0523
SOD HOUSE PROJECT: The Sod House project honors our ancestors and will serve the community as a long term attraction. The Historical Society hopes to move two country school houses to use as museums. These will be moved into town and repaired as funding permits. The lots have been purchased and the schools have been donated by the townships. A debt of $3,500 has been incurred to purchase the lots and construct the sod house. Foundations for the schools will cost about $2,000 each. Repairs depend on the condition of the respective schools but should run from $2,000-$5,000 each.