Frederick F.Y.I. – April 2014
Frederick F.Y.I. is a newsletter serving the communities of Frederick, Barnard and Westport, S.D. The April issue features stories about changes happening in the community this spring, a send-off for seniors in winter sports, a calendar of events, minutes from local meetings and more. And if you’re wondering, “Wait—what happened to March?” Well, that’s one […]
Frederick F.Y.I. newsletter – February 2014

Frederick F.Y.I. is a newsletter serving the communities of Frederick, Barnard and Westport, S.D. The February newsletter features stories about Elm Lake residents speaking out, discussion of a new taxing district for the Frederick area to pay for fire and ambulance service, the resignation of a longtime council member, a look at the D.A.R.E. program, […]
Frederick F.Y.I. – January 2014
The January 2014 issue of Frederick F.Y.I. features changes to the Frederick Ambulance Service and Frederick’s results at the South Dakota Snow Queen Festival. Other stories in this issue: Generation (WH)Y feature: Is there enough for kids to do in Frederick? Flipped classroom model tried in seventh-grade math class Calendar of events Sports results Pop […]
Frederick F.Y.I. – December 2013
The December issue of F.Y.I. features an important discussion about a new model of medicine that could solve two key problems in the Frederick area and a special section about the Titans’ trip to the Dome. Other stories in this issue: Community foundation discussion set for Jan. 20 Snow Queen contestants and winners Cotton candy […]